We tend to forget, but until 1989 half of Europe lived under authoritarian rule. For these Europeans the past is far from forgotten, sometimes the dictatorship still haunts them in their dreams. But in a dictatorship, people also laugh and love. They are resilient and never mere victims. They know how to behave to make their daily troubles bearable. In the video series ‘How to Survive a Dictatorship’ six Europeans share their survival strategies and tell their personal story. Taken together, the episodes form a survival guide.
ToldUntold #1

Be bold

ToldUntold #3

ToldUntold #4

ToldUntold #5

ToldUntold #6

How to Survive a Dictatorship is part of the How to Survive a Democracy Pop-up Museum, a travelling exhibition about democracy and dictatorship in Europe. Read more about the pop-up museum.